Monday, October 25, 2010

Paul Mitchell Product Class Review....& a PREVIEW!!!!


Was a lot of fun!
I learned a ton of stuff!!
But my favorite Paul Mitchell products is still....

Paul Mitchell Super Skinny Serum!!

I swear by this product!
Usually you dont think thay a serum should be used on fine hair,
but I use it on EVERYONE that sits down in my chair!
I would be willing to bet money once you use this (correctly) you would be hooked too.

I'm really glad I went to the Paul Mitchell class today.
It made me excited to do hair again...
& I think you need things like that no matter where you work.
To get you excited & find that love that you have for your career!

Also...I am SOOO excited about....

"Juan Juan" Beverly Hills!!!
Courtnia made our first order today!
& I got to experience with some of the products today.
They are FABULOUS!
J Beverly Hills is going to be something new to our area...
& I'm so excited that we're the first onces to have it in stock.
It isn't your typical product line.
I would say it's the new "Tiffany's" of hair products.
We should have it in the salon & ready to sell at the beginning of next week!

"Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty - they merely move it from their faces into their hearts."  [Martin Buxbaum]

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